Saturday, August 31, 2019
Economic Concepts Involved Essay
The economic concepts involved in this song are basically the credit carts and the loans. Interest rates are also involved as well. Interest is charged by lenders as costs for the loss of the assetââ¬â¢s use. In the process of lending money, the lender could have invested the funds instead of lending them out. With lending a large asset, the lender may have been able to generate income from the asset should they have decided to use it themselves. People started to take loans for housing purposes in America at that time. They wanted to buy houses or to invest these loans or to buy bonds so that they could get more money on returns. Investments are negatively related to interest rates. So when interest rates increases, investment will be high. They could also buy bonds with these loans. If interest rates are high, value of money decreases and the bonds purchased by the people for future prospects will be of lesser value in present but when interest rates declines, bonds will be more profitable. THE FINANACIAL CRISIS IN AMERICA The financial system in USA was hit by many factors among which the main was the change in ability to create new lines of credit. This made to dry up the reserve cash of the financial institutions and hinged their credit and ability to make new loans. Also, it must be noted that cheap credit made people to buy more houses or investments. This created more money in the market causing inflation. The increased loan packaging, market and incentives had prompted borrowers to presume difficult mortgages in the belief they would be able to quickly refinance at more favorable terms. But due to a drop in housing prices and rise in interest rate, difficulty in refinancing started. The consequences of this trend led to a huge loss of banks. The credit dried up, the housing market declined; etc. The whole financial system was crushed. This song does not demonstrates the actual scenario of the USA crisis but it simply presents an outlook of a working man who is paying hard due to governmentââ¬â¢s system. References:- Cowboybleau, Single Review: ââ¬Å"Shutting Detroit Downâ⬠by John Rich. February 11, 2009.Available at Shakil-ur-Rahman,Mir.à ââ¬Å"Overview of Economic Survey 2008-09â⬠.The News[Karachi]. June 12, 2009.Available at Interest Rate at Investopedia. Available at
Declining Educational Standards In Karachi Pakistan Education Essay
The cause of this probe was to place the chief grounds which decline the educational criterions at secondary degree in Karachi, Pakistan. The population of the survey was both ââ¬Å" authorities and private â⬠schools pupils and instructors. The positions of male and female pupils and instructors were sought out. Majority of the respondents had the position that the bing uneffective course of study and rating system are the chief grounds of worsening educational criterions at secondary degree in Karachi, Pakistan. Many of the respondents stated that imperfect disposal along with bad review system became its grounds. Short figure of respondent opinioned that improper wellness installations, deficiency of co-curricular activities and outmoded learning methods caused the sub standard instruction.IntroductionThe instruction is going one of the specifying endeavors of the twenty-first century with the outgrowth of globalisation and increasing planetary competition. Pakistan is deter mined to react positively to emerging demands, chances and challenges of globalisation. Education is being considered a cardinal to alter and come on. Advancement and prosperity of the state depends on the sort of instruction that is provided to the people. This survey was designed to explicate and foreground the criterions of instruction at secondary degree in Karachi. Educational criterions present standards by which judgements can be made by province and local school forces and communities, assisting them to make up one's mind which course of study, Torahs of disposal, wellness plan, staff development activity and assessment plan is appropriate. Educational criterions promote policies that will convey coordination, consistence, and coherency to the betterment of the procedure of instruction. They allow everyone to travel in the same way, with the confidence that the hazards they take in the name of bettering instruction will be supported by policies and patterns throughout the sy stem. Performance criterions describe what degree of public presentation is good plenty for pupils to be described as advanced, proficient, below basic, or by some other public presentation degree. Normally educational criterion stands for quality of instruction. Quality has been the end of an ageless pursuit through the corridors of human history. It has been the divining force of all human enterprises. Educational criterions of Pakistan have been a burning issue among the educationists since independency. Every member of the society has its ain positions concern the educational criterions in Pakistan. Although, every authorities tried its best to raise the criterions of instruction but their attempts were chiefly limited to fixing merely educational policies in documents. We could non happen practical execution of their recommendations sing criterions of instruction in Pakistan. In the more huge sense a criterion is any thing used to mensurate, for illustration a criterion of behavior, a criterion of weight or length. Actually a criterion is a thing which has been used as a theoretical account to which objects or actions may be compared. The criterion of instruction is define d in Encyclopedia of Education ( 1985 ) in the undermentioned sense:ââ¬Å" In the instruction context, so, criterions should be regarded as aims to be achieved or outlooks of desirable attitude or degrees of public presentation â⬠.[ 1 ]Research Questions:Why the Karachi Secondary instruction declined? What the grounds behind the worsening criterion of secondary instruction in Karachi? What are the solution which can raise the criterion of secondary instruction in Karachi?Aims of the survey( I ) To specify the existent significance of educational criterions. ( two ) To analyse the positions and sentiment of pupils and instructors about-the chief grounds of worsening educational criterions at secondary degree in Karachi. ( three ) To give suggestions and recommendation for bettering the educational criterions at secondary degree.Methodology:This survey depended on quantitative Secondary research, we analysing the information which is already available in records. The intent is to determine the overall public presentation of the authorities and private secondary schools sing standard instruction provided by them.Consequences:The collected information was converted into tabular arraies. Findingss and decisions were drawn in the visible radiation of these tabular arraies by the research workers. Table 1. The thoughts and positions of authorities secondary schools male and female pupils sing the chief grounds of worsening educational criterions at secondary degree in Karachi[ 2 ].S.NoDescriptionMale( Agree ) ( % )Male( Disagree ) ( % )Female( Agree ) ( % )Female( Disagree ) ( % )1 Defective disposal 70 30 90 10 2 Inflexible course of study 80 20 80 20 3 Ineffective rating system 65 35 60 40 4 Imperfect review system 70 30 55 45 5 Improper wellness installations 45 55 55 45 6 Lack of co-curricular activities 55 45 45 55 7 Outdated instruction methods 95 05 90 10 8 Inaccessibility of scholarships 45 55 30 70 Table 2[ 3 ]. Private secondary schools studentaÃâ Ys positions about the causes of low standard instruction at secondary degree in Karachi were highlighted.S.NoDescriptionMale( Agree ) ( % )Male( Disagree ) ( % )Female( Agree ) ( % )Female( Disagree ) ( % )1 Defective disposal 60 40 70 30 2 Inflexible course of study 65 35 85 15 3 Ineffective rating system 75 25 70 30 4 Imperfect review system 65 35 90 10 5 Improper wellness installations 40 60 50 50 6 Lack of co-curricular activities 30 70 45 55 7 Outdated instruction methods 95 05 95 05 8 Inaccessibility of scholarships 45 55 35 65 Table 3.[ 4 ]The positions of instructors belonging to authorities secondary schools about the chief grounds of worsening criterion of instruction at secondary degree in Karachi are stated.S.NoDescriptionMale( Agree ) ( % )Male( Disagree ) ( % )Female( Agree ) ( % )Female( Disagree ) ( % )1 Defective disposal 60 40 40 60 2 Inflexible course of study 80 20 80 20 3 Ineffective rating system 60 40 40 60 4 Imperfect review system 80 20 60 40 5 Improper wellness installations 40 60 60 40 6 Lack of co-curricular activities 40 60 40 60 7 Outdated instruction methods 60 40 60 40 8 Inaccessibility of scholarships 40 60 20 80The Role and Appointment of TeachersThe quality of instructors, which is a cardinal factor in any instruction system, is hapless in Pakistan. The chief ground is the low degree of educational makings required to go a primary school instructor ; which includes ten old ages of schooling and an eleven-month certification plan. It has been established through assorted surveies that pupil accomplishment is closely related to the figure of old ages of formal schooling of instructors. Therefore, pupils of instructors with 12 old ages of schooling perform better than pupils of matriculate ( 10 old ages instruction ) instructors, who in bend perform better than pupils of instructors with merely grade eightqualifications. The 2nd factor relates to the quality of instructor enfranchisement plans, which suffersfrom the deficiency of adequately trained maestro trainers, small accent on learning pattern and non-existence of a proper support/monitoring system for instructors. In the absence of an y commissioned organic structure to attest instructors, the mere acquisition of a certificate/diploma is considered sufficient to use for a teaching place. In add-on, teacher assignment in schools is capable to interference from local involvement groups seeking to topographic point instructors of their pick within their constituency. This has opened the system to graft and lease seeking taking to high degrees of instructor absenteeism accentuated by the absence of an effectual supervising system. The assignment of instructors particularly in primary schools is capable to the political influence or paying immense money.Training for Government Teachers[ 5 ]The disposal of teacher preparation in Pakistan is a provincial duty. However, the course of study wing at the federal degree is besides responsible for teacher instruction institutions.Government primary school instructors are trained through Government Colleges for Elementary Teachers ( GCETs ) , the distance instruction plan of t he Allama Iqbal Open University ( AIOU ) , and teacher preparation classs run in secondary schools known as Normal Schools or PTC units. Alumnuss of these establishments are taught a similar course of study, and receive the Primary Teaching Certificate ( PTC ) or Certificate in Teaching ( CT ) at the terminal of one twelvemonth. Generally, the figure of appliers is far greater than the figure of topographic points available. There is besides an acute deficit of instructor preparation installations, peculiarly for female instructors in certain parts and particularly in the state of Balochistan.Private School TeachersThe quality of instruction imparted by the bulk of private schools is questionable owing to an acute famine of decently trained and qualified instructors, and any sort of support mechanism for these instructors. Except for big school systems like Beaconhouse, City, Lahore Grammar, and others, which constitute a little per centum of the bing private schools the bulk of oth ers have appointed instructors who are qualified up to intercede ( 12 old ages of schooling ) or BA degree ( 14 old ages of instruction ) , and are paid much lower wages compared to their opposite numbers in the authorities sector in add-on to no occupation security. The big schools and school systems have instituted their ain instructor preparation plans or entree specialised private establishments. There is less disposition in these schools to engaging instructors who have antecedently been trained by authorities establishments and hold grades in B. Ed or M. Ed ; their penchant is for those fluid in English linguistic communication. Therefore, really few instructors hired by the private schools have had any pre-service preparation. Thereis a felt demand to heighten the professional accomplishments of those who are presently working through assorted inset plans.DiscussionEducation is a powerful tool and cardinal force in the life of adult male. Deepak ( 2006 ) stated that instructi on plays an instructional function in determining the fate of the person and the hereafter of world. SEAMEO-Jasper Research Award ( 2009 ) further clears that instruction provides chances to get cognition and competences to work in a planetary environment. The end of constructing a cohesive, just and harmonious community, bound together in solidarity for deeper apprehension and cooperation, presents new challenges for bookmans and instruction practicians in geting new constructs and advanced theoretical accounts for effectual instruction and acquisition. The criterion of instruction is direct effect and result of the quality of instructors and learning methods used by them. Society believes that competent, effectual instructors are of import keys to a strong system of instruction. Consequently, instructors are expected to be adept in the usage of instructional engineerings and category room direction techniques. They are besides expected to hold a thorough apprehension of the develo pmental degrees of their pupils and a societal group of the content they teach. To keep and widen this high degree of accomplishments, instructors are expected to be informed of model patterns and to show a devise for professional development. Teacher competence and effectivity includes the duty to assist all scholars win. Sing criterions Seth ( 1970 ) stated that we have provided more and more money to more and more of that we may be making ill. We hope that we could make it better. Educationists of international differentiation have suggested that it will be possible merely by developing suited course of study and using educational engineerings to do the course of study more effectual and the school more efficient. Jalala ( 2004 ) said that on the footing of wide aims, course of study planning should be done and suited capable content, behavioural results and other acquisition experiences be put in for doing curriculum comprehensive. It should be based on the findings of course of study research and be enriched by interdisciplinary coaction among experts on different topics. All this would lend to the design of a entire school course of study that is complementary every bit good as comprehensive. In Pakistan quality instruction has marked a clear line of favoritism on fiscal evidences, and more well, it is beyond the range of many pupils. Muhammad ( 2009 ) declared that the saddening and deteriorating status of educational system in the state raises many fingers on instruction section, whose representatives, so confidently, sing vocals of success in every of their visual aspect. There is no answerability of the typical landlord civilization, which is traveling on in bulk of the countryaÃâ Ys establishments. If authorities purposes to make the sky of standard instruction and to supply it at doorsill of every Pakistani, it should maintain its eyes unfastened, as the written records and work in advancement in the edifices named schools, are non in any convinc ing or absorbing place. Particularly for the betterment of criterion at secondary degree instruction sufficient stairss should be taken, because secondary instruction is linking nexus between primary and high instruction as Srivastara ( 2005 ) stated that secondary instruction is frequently considered as the most of import section of the single acquisition. Harmonizing to Water and McFadden ( 2003 ) secondary school is a topographic point where much complex interaction takes topographic point that has a important impact on the individuality formation of immature people and the consequent success in big life. Education is the basic right of every person in the society but unluckily, educational criterions in Pakistan are worsening fastly. One of the most of import factors in criterions of instruction is good rating system. Evaluation plays a great function in the accomplishments and acquisition of single. Particularly it can be helpful for instructors to analyse as Lal ( 2005 ) stated that rating help the instructors to better his schoolroom processs and methods of learning in the visible radiation of provender back. Unfortunately in Pakistan imperfect rating system besides devalue the criterions of instruction in schools.Recommendation( I ) The course of study of secondary degree should be improved harmonizing to the demands of clip and wants of the society. ( two ) Introduce high quality choice process for secondary degree instructors and offer the campaigners better inducements. ( three ) The disposal of school should be effectual and efficient. It should maintain democratic attack. ( four ) The rating system at secondary degree should be organized and modern techniques must be used to measure the abilities of a kid. ( V ) There should non be political intervention in educational establishments. ( six ) All secondary authorities and private schools should be allocated with proper wellness installations ( neat and clean and harmonizing to the wellness rules nutrient and handiness of physician or a nurse in the schools ) . ( seven ) The lone trained instructors should be appointed in schools. ( eight ) The secondary school instructors should utilize modern learning methods harmonizing to the age and psychological demands of pupils. ( nine ) There should be chances provided to the pupils for take parting in different co-curricular activities. ( ten ) The procedure of review should be done in proper and democratic manner and the construct of favours should be out of this procedure. ( eleven ) The scholarships should be provided to meriting and intelligent pupils at secondary degree in schools. ( twelve ) Various squads of experts should be involved in executing the above mentioned undertaking of betterment and formation.DecisionAfter analysing the consequences it can be easy concluded that uneffective disposal, non flexible course of study and outdated learning methods used by instructors are the chief grounds of worsening educational criterions at secondary degree. We may state that to some extent the imperfect rating system and bad review involved in this impairment. Improper wellness installations, political intervention, missing of co-curricular activities, non handiness of scholarships are besides some of the factors which destroy criterions of instruction at secondary degree in Karachi.REFFERNCESSpaulding S ( 1970 ) . The record is so impressive, UNESCO Department Publications. Jalala KC ( 2004 ) . Rao Digmarti, Methods of Teaching Educational Technology, Discovery Publishing House. Tiwari D ( 2006 ) . Methods of Teaching Education, Crescent Publishing Corporation. International Encyclopedia of Education, Ref. LB 1569, 1985, 10 Volumes. SEAMEO-Jasper Research Award ( 2009 ) . Annual Report. Subject: ââ¬Å" TeachersaÃâ Y Professional Development in Southeast Asia â⬠. Jalalzai MK ( 2005 ) . The Crisis of Education in Pakistan, State Policies and Textbooks, Al-Abbas international Publications Lahore. Mukhopadhyay M ( 2005 ) . Entire Quality Management in Education, Sage-Publications. JavaScript ( narrative print ) ( 2004 ) . Published on 21st September, Available at World Wide Web. Edweek. Org/rc/issues/standards. Accessed 05 -08-2009. Aslam P ( 2005 ) . Policies and Policy Formation, National Foundation, Lahore. Srivastara DS ( 2005 ) Secondary Education, Mehra Offset Press. Lal JP ( 2005 ) Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Anmol Publications PVT LTD.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The BMW M5 has the capacity
The BMW M5 has the capacity of a sedan and it excels like a sports car in terms of performance.The car has spacious seats and effective temperature control system to ensure a comfortable ride. Independent suspension for all the four wheels improves overall handling of the car. The M5 does not slack behind in the entertainment department either and offers a host of features including a high-end music system and high-definition radio. The car is very stable under almost any road condition including slippery ice roads, sandy surfaces and rain-slicked roads using its dynamic stability control system.The car also has an on-board GPS navigation system and recognizes voice commands from the driver. BMW lays great emphasis on safety; its cars are very sturdily built with state-of-the-art safety features such as head protection system, automatic-locking retractors for seatbelts, and side airbags to provide additional protection.The M5 also has an Impact sensor to automatically turn off the ig nition and fuel supply, and switches on the emergency lights in the event of an accident. In terms of after-sales service, BMW guarantees free maintenance for either four years or fifty thousand miles. This service is inclusive of standard servicing as well as free replacement of items that wear off. BMW has also recently introduced a tele-service called BMW Safety Plan which enables the car to directly contact the service center when it needs service.BMW is a German automobile manufacturer which has a rich tradition of building reliable cars and has earned worldwide recognition among general consumers as well as motorcar enthusiasts. The BMW M5 is a brand family. It falls under the ââ¬ËMotor vehicles and car bodiesââ¬â¢ industry category and its corresponding SIC code is 3711 (Business & Company Resource Center).DaimlerChrysler, Ford, Volkswagen, General Motors, Ducati, Fiat, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mazda are some of the competitors of BMW in thi s category. Following are some of the factors that make BMW a compelling choice for any car buyer,
Thursday, August 29, 2019
ARD Green roof Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ARD Green roof - Essay Example esign allows a greater insulation from the other two designs, meaning it could provide a greater amount of energy on its own, and therefore, fulfilling the stand alone requirement. The water retention and filter drainage layers both would aid in preventing irrigation and store water if there ever was a drought. In essence, there are variant considerations that one must make before concluding or choosing the best type of roofing especially when there are specific demands based on energy conservation. Perhaps the best guide in analyzing whether a building, or a roof in this matter, is in line with the green building milestones is by checking the roofs properties against the guidelines advanced by LEED (Yudelson, 2008). The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating systems provide a guide that can be utilized in determining a green building (Vassigh, OÃËzer & Spiegelhalter, 2013). Besides the goal to meet the systemââ¬â¢s rating it is also important to look at the unique factors around the building. These include, a hot and dry weather, which characterizes the region, Flagstaff. In this regard, the idea is to have a roof that allows for high-efficiency ventilation, one that makes use of rapidly renewable materials, and finally on that only utilizes certified wood produc ts. Notably, the roofing system should preferably allow for solar photovoltaic systems (Vassigh, OÃËzer & Spiegelhalter, 2013). Based on these analysis points it then becomes critical to weigh the roofââ¬â¢s properties against the identified interest areas. Where else the other roof designs present a commendable effort it is easy to pick on Design #2 as this is modeled in a way that makes it possible to meet the desired Green goals as established under the LEED rating system (Edwards, 2003). Besides, the design provides the best way to counter and at the same time maximally utilize the photo energy that represents the region. In totality, the design provides a friendly, green and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Open Adoption Records Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Open Adoption Records - Coursework Example Key words: information, agreement, consent. Should All Adoption Document Opened To Adopted Child Above 18? Every person above 18 years has a right to have access to information. However, this right should be restricted on special cases. It may require one to restrict information to an individual for the good of the person and those related to the person. Under section 3 of data protection act, one has a right to obtain a copy of any information withheld from him, by an organization. But provisions have been provided under section 5 of data protection act where the information to be provided may negatively affect the code of conduct and interest of an organization (Data protection commissioner, n.d). In this regard, this paper opposes the opening of all adoption records to adopted individual even though the individual may be above 18 years. The assertion is in regard to the following fact; the uncertainty of physiological effects that may be caused due to such revelations. A good exam ple is the case where the biological parents choose to maintain anonymous identification. It would be of great importance to maintain the privacy of the parents. Otherwise not doing so, will not only hurt the credibility of the organization concerned and the biological parentsââ¬â¢ right of privacy, but also may infringe negatively into the adopted parentsââ¬â¢ relationship with the adopted child. The signed documents between the parents and the organization should be respected and their privacy maintained, and only opened to a third party under their consent, and if a situation forces (Adoption resources, 2013). Otherwise this may harm the firmââ¬â¢s credibility and the biological parentsââ¬â¢ feelings, thus causing a negative impact. The second reason for my proposition is due to the fact that such revelations may cause a rift between the adopted parents and the child. This may be due to the fact that the child may have a conflict of interest between the biological and the adopted parents. In one way or the other, one party may have to suffer some kind of damages due to this revelation. It is better to avoid this entire situation by withholding such information so as not to hurt the young personââ¬â¢s emotions. It may be argued that such revelations are important to the health and medical conditions of the adopted kid, because some medical conditions are directly related to the biological familyââ¬â¢s medical history. I agree that these conditions would easily be monitored if the biological familyââ¬â¢s medical history was revealed to the adopted child. This fact, however, should not be the core reason for opening of all the adoption records to the adopted child. Such critical information should be given to the adopting parents who should reveal the history to the doctors without revealing the adopting documents to the child. Even in such circumstances, only safe information should be released. Individuals aged above 18 years have the ri ght to get access their records (Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, 2006). However, if such information would have a negative impact on the personââ¬â¢s wellbeing as well as people around (i.e. would cause physiological problems and unwarranted anger), it would be better such individual is kept in the ââ¬Å"darkâ⬠in regard to such scenarios. Despite the individualââ¬â¢s emotional maturity, such information may break the strength,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Doctor patient relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Doctor patient relationship - Essay Example Carver takes this idea further by looking at the way in which a career limits the communication skills of a person. The minimal style enhances the starkness of loss especially when it is accompanied by a distant doctor. The paper concludes that the intention of both texts is to illuminate the inequality of the doctor/patient relationship although, unlike Carver, Williams resolves this. Carver provides a hint at the answer by the family finding resolution with the baker. 'A Small, Good Thing' and 'The Girl with the Pimply Face' are initially comparable because they share the subject matter of the medical profession and the narrative techniques are superficially quite similar. The primary theme is the sensitivity of patient/doctor relationships. Williams' story focuses on the doctor's humanity; his susceptibility to desire, boredom and irresponsibility, but also his caring response to a family facing several problems. Changeability is a central quality of being human. Everyone is subject to the same whims and desires whether they are a doctor or not. He has the desire to help, gives his work freely, possesses a genuine interest in the family and does not criticise his patients when they cannot pay. On the other hand there are hints that he is nave because he does not realise the family are taking advantage of him. Furthermore his reasons for being interested in the family are ambiguous. His concern possibly stems from his attraction to the girl with acne rather than genuine professional interest. Although his interest in her is professional; he wants to help her acne and her legs, his thoughts reveal there is something about the girl that would be of interest to him whether or not she needed his attention as a doctor,. Conversely Carver treats the medical profession with suspicion, focusing on the gap between doctors and the ordinary family. Where Williams uses similar language for both the doctor and the girl, Carver uses different language. Williams emphasises the willingness of his doctor to step over professional boundaries and help the girl with advice and money whereas Carver's doctors shift the blame of Scotty's death away from themselves, emphasising that there was nothing they could do. Dr. Francis was disinclined to linger with the parents at the end and Ann feels as if he wants her to leave before she is ready. He never crosses over the professional line. Each story uses distinctive narrative methods to expound this theme. Firstly, neither story has an objective narrator. The Williams' story is told by the doctor and the language is colloquial. There is an outstanding lack of conventional grammar. Spoken words mingle with description. For example, 'What's the matter with her I asked.' (79) The effect is two-fold. Firstly it envelops the reader in the doctor's world, inviting sympathy. However it also makes him susceptible to criticism. His language is not medical and his attention darts quickly away from his patient. He is different from the traditional image of a doctor. 'For the moment at least I had lost all interest in the baby.'(80) By having access to the doctor's inner thoughts the reader is privileged to his true opinion of his patients, feelings not expected of a doctor, 'this young kid in charge of the house did something to me that I liked.'(80) On the other hand Carver's technique incorporates the inner
Monday, August 26, 2019
Research the causes of the Global Financial Crisis and its subsequent Essay
Research the causes of the Global Financial Crisis and its subsequent impact on the banks behavior on UAE banks - Essay Example Daigee Shaw (2011) stated Japan suffered a -5.2 growth rate in 2009. The financial crisis is characterized by the collapse of the United States housing bubble in 2007. Consequently, the housing bubble triggered the devaluation of the securities listed in the United States stock exchange markets; the securities were secured by real estate properties. The United States market situation created rippling effects simultaneously spreading to the United States trading partners within the global market place. The economic downfall of the United States stocks unfavorably created after shocks. The aftershocks include the significant decline in several stocks listed in the stock markets as well as and commodities markets around the world. The central banks of other countries were unfavorably influenced by the United Statesââ¬â¢ economic depression, starting in 2008. Benton Gup (Gup 2011) emphasized the United Statesââ¬â¢ Levin ââ¬âCoburn Report gave the reasons for the United States financial disaster. The investments in high risk financial investments are part of the economic depression. The conflicts of interests among the United States financial entities contributed to the unprecedented United States economic debacle. The failure of the government agencies to check the reliability of the credit status of a majority of United States companies contributed to the United States economic crash of 2007. The credit-monitoring agencies failed in their duty to monitor and report the credit ratings of each company listed in the United States companies listed in the stock exchange. May Khamis (2010) theorised the current financial status of the banks in the United Arab Emirates suffered minimal effects from the global financial crisis that cropped up in 2008. UAEââ¬â¢s Dubai was the hardest hit (Katzman 2010). Consequently, Dubai had to push for a debt restructures (Rice
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Technical Evaluations Using Web APIs Research Paper
Technical Evaluations Using Web APIs - Research Paper Example Over the years, we had seen the development of personal computers at a time when the massive IBM Company thought that the idea of developing and creating the personal computer was not viable. In their own words, they said that the personal computer was ââ¬Ëa toyââ¬â¢. At the time, IBM was creating and building only mainframe computers. They ridiculed the idea of the development of the personal computers so much, so that the likes of Microsoft were forced to do something big while the others watched. Today, personal computers are found in almost every home and school. In the world of search engines, Google is developing very fast. The Google we have today is not the same as the Google we had 12 years ago or so. The company is making innovations every other day. It is becoming a juggernaut that crashes anything in its way; Google cannot stop to overcome anything that comes its way. The Google web API has been around for a while now. This API enables developers to create websites that have the Google searching services in them without much hustle (Chase). The Google Web Search API enables developers to put the Google Search services in the web pages they come up with using JavaScript. This whole process happens by embedding of the code that Google makes available on some of its web sites for developers to take and use for their own purposes. The use of the web search API is regulated with the terms and conditions that developers have to comply with the terms and conditions of Google as a company and service provider. Once the search box from Google is embedded in code, users can be able to search for anything from the web sites that have implemented the use of the web search API (Google Developers). The results from the web search can also be seen on the same page as the one the search made on with no problem at all. An example of a web site that has implemented the Google Web Search so well is This website has imple mented the Google Search API in its search page. This has made it easier for the websiteââ¬â¢s visitors to quickly locate any content they are searching for. The search API lets developers embed code into the web sites they make in order to bring results they want the users to see. The developers filter the results according to the criteria they deem fit the visitors of the site should see and that meets the demands of all the stake holders of the web site. When visiting standard media web site, newspaper readers from Kenya may wish to search the contents of the site very fast and depend on the search field to give them very specific content they may be looking for from the web site. Use of the Google Web Search API has very little restrictions. Google Inc. has been at the forefront of development of open source software for a while now and their APIs are mostly open source too; in order to achieve this purpose. The API is available for download from the Google developersââ¬â¢ web site. At the point of download, the user or developer downloading the API is required to agree to the terms and conditions of use to access the API (Google Developers). Rich Interface Technologies There are a number of rich tech technologies in place today. Some of them are Ajax, JQuery, HTML5, which are used for the development of beautiful
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Inflation and the Money Supply Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Inflation and the Money Supply - Essay Example Most of the economists indicate that one of the principal reasons of inflation is the unreasonable growth in money supply. The sources of this theory lie with Monetarist economists. Milton Friedman observed that, "Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon," (Milton Friedman, 1987). The theory of inflation takes up the Quantity Theory of Money to propose that if the amount of money in the economy grows faster than the growth in the level of possible output, then this will affect upon the prices. In other words if the money supply grows too fast there will be inflation. The broad aim of this essay is to bring out the knowledge of the basic theory concerning the relationship between the growth of money supply and inflation in an applied context. This will demonstrate a clear understanding of both narrow and broad measures of the money supply and their linkages with relevant macroeconomic variables. Through analysis of relevant macroeconomics data which is taken from official data sources, a qualified conclusion concerning the relationship between inflation and money supply growth for a country is arrived. The main policy implications of the findings for the conduct of monetary policy are also carried out. The classical theory of monetary policy defines money as a medium of exchange. Money is utilized to carry out the dealings and it is indifferent in its affect on the economy. It cannot manipulate the real variable quantities like income, output and employment. On the other hand, the economy can determine the monetary variables like price level and monetary wages. Consequently the classical economists stated that price level is the function of money supply. This was explained with the help of the quantity theory of money. The level of prices will be double the quantity of money was the conclusion which they derived. Therefore any alterations in supply of money will affect the price proportionately. It is symbolised by the equation of exchange: MV=PY: Where M= supply of money, V= velocity or the number of times money turns over per time in the purchase of final output Y, P= price level of output Y. MV= PY is an identity element and hence can be written as MV= PY. This formula states that the amount of money multiplied by the number of times each unit of money on the average is expended to purchase final output at any given time. It is again multiplied by the price level of those goods and services that is PY. As Y constitutes GNP, P is the price level of the goods and services developed Y, and V is the number of times the money supply is used to purchase goods whose value is PY then GNP = C+I+G= MV= PY. The above theory can also be represented as: MV = PY, where V is the velocity of money. It is alleged to evaluate how often the money stock turns over in each period. It can also be written as: V = nominal GDP/nominal money supply, i.e., V = PY/M. MV = PY is treated as an identity and not an equation, since by the definition of V, it must always true. When there are alterations in M, P, or Y, then V may have to adapt. Empirically, the V in the identity above is not required to be a constant. If we assume that V is a constant, then we have the QTM, which can be tested empirically. The new version of the QTM is
Friday, August 23, 2019
Managers' encouragement of employee voice can lift well-being and Essay - 2
Managers' encouragement of employee voice can lift well-being and productivity. Discuss - Essay Example It has correspondingly been argued that employees should be provided with the opportunity to take part in the decision making process of the organization through supportive ideas, emphasising more on group decision-making systems (Townsend & et. al., 2012). This would result in delivering higher performance in the workplace along with the well-being of the employees and other organizational members, although subjected to various limitations identifiable in terms of time and complexities. In addition, such measures are also criticised to increase chances of team conflicts, owing to which, there has been various limitations in employee participation in organizational decision-making (Townsend & Wilkinson, 2014). However, the essay will critically analyze and provide an argumentative discussion regarding ââ¬Å"Managersââ¬â¢ Encouragement of Employee Voice Can Lift Well-Being and Productivityâ⬠. It has often been considered that encouraging employeeââ¬â¢s voice or allowing the employees to participate in the decision making process can lead to a high performance working environment and successful implementation of business activities within modern organisations. In support of this notion, Wilkinson & et. al. (2015) argue that various psychosocial aspects of the organisational environment along with physical elements of the employees can be encouraged through such measures ensuring that they are able to align their personal objectives better with the organisational goals. These psychosocial aspects may include job security, workload, stress, workload balance and job satisfaction while the physical elements may include health and safety of the employees. Contextually, employee voice can be either formal or informal depending upon the situation as well as the type of regulations being adopted by the organisation (Markey & Townsend, 2015). Formally, employees
Zha Scapegoat Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Zha Scapegoat - Assignment Example Reneà Girardââ¬â¢s theory of scapegoat is a theory based on the origins of sacrifice. The theory advocates that historical collective murders arise at the commencement of primitive ritual sacrifice. Rituals and myths memorize and disguise these distressing, violent origins (Girard 92). A fundamental concept in the thought of Girard is that of contagion. Markedly, both the mythic falsification of collective murder and contagious transfer are well illustrated in Girardââ¬â¢s scrutiny of the symbol of Oedipus. According to Reneà Girard, the attribution of evil and crime to an innocent individual is neither motiveless nor arbitrary, but is a reaction to the actual social risk. However, in the collective murder, the instantaneous cause is the breakdown of the social order. The breakage is provoked by famine, war, plague, or any other major social disaster. During this situation, every person turn out to be the enemy of all: the rich against the poor, neighbour against neighbour, brother against brother. According to Reneà Girard the scapegoat comes in as a safety value in the condition of spiralling violence whereby every person resorts to retribution so as to attain what is rightfully theirs. The conflict of all against all, the violence that looms to pouch t he community, is revolutionized to a war against one person. Reneà Girard denotes that with the death of the scapegoat, the violence cycle ends. The title of the film ââ¬ËThe Wrong Manââ¬â¢ recognizes one of the main persistent themes in Hitchcockââ¬â¢s work that is the theme of the innocent man or the mistakenly accused. The film tells a story of the erratic arrest and incarceration of Balestrero. This occurred after he was wrongly identified as the thief of an insurance company office aside from other several stores. The basis of the film is on a true story, the factual life case of Christopher Balestrero. As evident
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Skype vs AT&T Essay Example for Free
Skype vs ATT Essay 1) What are the dominant economic characteristics of the VoIP Industry? Public switch telephone networks (PSTN) charge based on minutes whereas Voice-over Internet Protocol (VoIP) charges based on data usage. VoIP services charge a flat fee and Skype actually offers free talk between Skype users. VoIP is likely to grow significantly, taking away from PTSNââ¬â¢s market. VoIP is also cheap to operate as the infrastructure is already there. VoIP is also considered part of the information service industry and not the telecommunication service industry giving it an advantage politically against PTSN. 2) What does the Five Forces Model reveal about the profitability of the VoIP industry? Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants is high in this market. Companies like Google, Microsoft and AOL are planning to compete in the VoIP market. Threat of Substitutes: Substitute for VoIP is low. Bargaining power of Buyers: The bargaining power is moderate because of the simplicity of switching to other companies. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The bargaining power is weak/limited because VoIP providers are widespread. Rivalry Between Existing Firms: Rivalry between firms is very high because switching costs are low and there is a lack of differentiation. 3) What are the Driving Forces in the industry? The Driving Forces in the industry are consumersââ¬â¢ eagerness for easy access to communication via the internet as well as the low cost of doing so, powerful substitute for telecommunications, and Skypeââ¬â¢s costs are low and the consumerââ¬â¢s cost is low. 4) What are the Key Success Factors in the industry? The Key Success Factors are the ease of use which is the low cost for the users. Lower costs because both voice and data communications can run on a single network. Lastly, the continued development of PC2PC calls, videos, and file sharing. 5) Which type of strategy is Skype pursuing? The strategy that Skype is pursuing is differentiation with low-cost. Skype has easy and effective marketing and less expensive retailing and distribution. Skype to Skype calls lets you communicate between anyone at noà cost. With SkypeOut you can call any landline or mobile phone in the world at comparatively cheap local rates. Also, ââ¬Å"SkypeInâ⬠allows users to be reached by a traditional phone through a regular phone number. 6) What are Skypeââ¬â¢s short-term and long-term prospects? Managing their competitors and increasing their revenue. They need to gain larger market share and standout against their competitors. They should also focus sales on a business to business side. They should be making sure that most companies, large and small, are using their application for conference calls.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Comparison of Different Therapies
Comparison of Different Therapies Diana Scammell Biodynamic: Craniosacral Therapy Definition: Craniosacral therapy is a holistic healing that corrects the communication between the brain and the body by restoring flow of cerebrospinal fluid. The therapy often lowers the brain wave activity to a delta state to promote deep healing. This may bring the client into an altered unconscious/subconscious state. These sessions are intended for those seeking to establish clear and conscious connections between the body mind. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview. I then closed my eyes and began to feel a shift of what I assumed to be my energy field to the left of my body. I did not feel her touching me except when she touched my sacral area. I soon began to have visions of letting everything go and before I knew it I did. At the end of the session Diana gently touched my shoulders. I felt relaxed and had a great sense of peace. Referral: I found the technique effective in bringing me to an altered state of consciousness. I would recommend both Diana and Craniosacral work to anyone who is seeking the possibility of just letting go. Reflexology Definition: Reflexology is the application of pressure to specific areas on the feet, hands and ears. Manipulating the areas promote healing of the various organs of the body and reduces stress. The National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health funded studies that seem to indicate that reflexology could reduce pain and psychological symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, and aid in relaxation and sleep. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview. Both of my lower extremities where propped up on two pillows. She began to rub my feet one at a time. It was very relaxing. During the treatment I began to experience current like releases from my feet all the way to my scalp making the hair in my scalp stand up. At the end of the session Diana held the top of my ankles gently and told me we were done. Referral: I had a great sense of relaxation throughout this treatment. I do believe that this technique alleviates stress. I would recommend this technique and this practitioner to anyone who has a need to relax. Acupuncture Definition: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that can be traced back at least 2500 years. Acupuncture is a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life forces refer as Chi. This energy flow is essential to our health. Disruption to this flow of energy is to believe to be responsible for disease. By inserting thin needles into specific points along meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance. Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Personal experience: The session started with a brief interview and examination of my posture. I then laid face down on the table. He placed very thin needles in my feet, back and neck. I found some to be painful. A heating lamp was placed over me. After 15-20 minutes the needles were removed. He believed my pain was due to a lack of upper back strength. He recommended exercises and stretches for my upper back and neck muscles. Referral: Acupuncture did relief my back and neck pain for several weeks. I do recommend acupuncture and Dr. Park to anyone having chronic or acute pain. Medical Intuitive and Medium Definition: Intuitive readings are different for everyone. Depending on the person conducting the reading, the focus can be on anything from releasing blocked energy and past trauma, tapping into past lives, working through a current hardship, or helping a client to activate their highest potential and life work. Personal experience: I entered a living room like area in Sherrieââ¬â¢s house. Sherrie began with a prayer and then proceeded to talk to me about my family and work. Several times during the reading she channeled my mother in-law and my father in law whom I had never met but wished to give me a message. She spoke at great length to me about my husband, his job and our future, my two daughters their lives their futures and some about who they were in their past lives. My father and Grandfather also came in to give me insight about past experiences. Referral: I would recommend this type of readings to anyone who is on a soul search and exploration. I would recommend Sherrie. I found her to be genuine. Massage Therapy- Deep Tissue Definition: Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronic aches and pains and contracted areas. The movement is slower and the pressure is deeper concentrated on areas of tension and pain in order to reach the sub-layer of muscles and the fascia. Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist uses massage oil. Personal experience: I filled out a comprehensive questionnaire. The massage therapist went over the questionnaire and a plan for the session was formulated. She started with me laying face down. She began to massage my back, upper extremities, lower extremities and then asked me to turn over. There were times during the massage that it was very painful as she tried to soften rigid tissue especially on my back. Referral: This technique was very helpful for my upper back and neck pain. I would recommend Heather and this modality to anyone experiencing chronic muscle tension. Massage Therapy- Swedish Massage Definition: Swedish massage combines various hands-on techniques including gliding, kneading, and cross-fiber friction to break up muscle knots, called adhesions. Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology as opposed to energy work. It can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist wants to achieve. Swedish massage is performed by a trained and licensed massage therapist who lubricates the skin with massage oil. Personal experience: I was asked to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire. The massage therapist went over the questionnaire with me and a plan for the session was formulated. I lay on the table face down. She began to massage my body starting at my back, upper extremities, lower extremities and then asked me to turn over. She used a light soothing touch throughout my body. She suggested that I drink plenty of water for the rest of the day. Referral: I enjoyed this type of massage, it was very relaxing. I found no connection with therapist and would not necessary refer anyone to her. Shamanic Healing Definition: A shamanic practitioner is trained to recognize that all illnesses have a spiritual component and that everything is connectedââ¬âthe spiritual, emotional, physical and mental. If one of these systems is out of balance the disharmony can be felt within the entire energetic field. Practitioners and their training vary greatly. In a shamanic healing the practitioner will may use tools to assist in moving the unwanted or blocked energy. Depending on the tradition, feathers, mesas, and/or sacred songs, may be use. Personal experience: I was greeted by Steve at his home. He asked me several questions about my home life, family and work. He then explained Shamanic healing. He proceeded to chant, he used some drumming and a feather that he waved around my body. In conclusion he told me that I do not need to feel like I need to take care of others. I need to allow people to experience their soul journey and lessons without stepping in for the rescue. Referral: I am not sure that I would recommend this experience or if it was the practitioner whom I did not find genuine. Hypnotherapy Definition: Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy use to create subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors or feelings. This is done by placing the patient in the Hypnotic state. A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized patients, most notably heightened suggestibility and responsiveness. Personal experience: Referral: I would recommend Hypnotherapy and Andrew Spiritual Healing Definition: Meeting John of God (Joà £o Teixeira de Faria) is a special opportunity to experience physical, emotional, or spiritual healing with one of the worldââ¬â¢s most revered spiritual healers and mediums from Brazil, where John of God has seen millions of visitors from around the world. John of God and team of healersââ¬â¢ leads people into a guided meditation, prayer, testimonials, and times of silence that opens them up to the healing John of God offers. Omegaââ¬â¢s campus becomes an oasis of peace and contemplation where we can experience the power of faith within a loving community and discover how it can transform our life. John of God sees individuals briefly, and suggests their next healing step. Some say they have been cured of disease; others say that while a physical cure was not achieved, a spiritual or emotional healing was. Most say that their time spent in his presence was a profound and transformative experience. The entities and John of God are treating the whole person; therefore relationships between families and loved ones can also be repaired and restored. The glue that binds humanity is Love and John of God and the entities are most concerned that you are whole and a reflection of this love in the world, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He and the entities, through a constant and thorough cleaning of your energy field, and your own efforts, are able to elevate you in a phenomenal way to become who you truly are, radiant and a reflection of the divine on earth. Personal experience: Referral: I would recommend this experience with this healer to anyone who is seeking Physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Reiki Definition: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The Reiki practitioner serves as a vessel for healing energy to go where it is most needed. The energy flows out of the practitioners hands while they are touching the patientââ¬â¢s body. Personal experience: I was greeted by Janna at her house. I lay on her massage table face up. As I closed my eyes I began to feel her hands on my head. She then worked her way down my body. I felt great heat coming from her hands. Somewhere in between my head and feet I became very relaxed and fell asleep. I felt like Jannaââ¬â¢s hands where everywhere on my body at the same time. I felt very relaxed and at peace. Referral: I would recommend this modality to anyone. I found this modality to be very similar to Healing touch. I would recommend Janna to anyone in need of peace and relaxation.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Introduction To Organized Crime Criminology Essay
Introduction To Organized Crime Criminology Essay Organized crime groups have increased in dimension and activities in the last decade and have become global threats posing a serious challenge on the international community. In the United States, such groups have continued to expand despite measures to curb them and they have established networks in the major cities. Criminal groups have well developed international networks that help them to better exercise their activities in both legal and illegal markets by using complicated strategies and varied modi operandi (Jenkins Gary 1987). Due to that, these groups are in a position to infiltrate the financial, political, and economic systems of countries the world over. With expansion of the internet and more open borders, organized crime has gradually taken transnational nature endangering United States both from within and beyond. This threat is brought by the various criminal associations, which include, Asian, African, Russian, Middle Eastern, and Balkan syndicates. As a result, it has become very difficult for the federal government to combat organized crime that is today very well organized and up-to-date with recent technology. During economic downturn period, organized crime could additionally weaken the economy with illicit activities for example drug trafficking and tax evasion frauds that lead to a loss of tax income for state and federal governments. Fake activities in spheres such as tactical merchandise, credit, indemnity, securities, and reserves could extra deteriorate the troubled monetary marketplace. On the state safety front, specialists and policymakers have articulated concern over potential nexus linking organized crime and terrorism. Notwithstanding the variation in inspiration for organized crime majorly profit and terrorism being ideology, the connecting aspect of the two is money (Bequai, 1979). Terrorists may potentially get financial support for their operations from collaborating frankly with structured criminal groups or molding their lucrative unlawful acts. Even though organized syndicates and terrorist groups do not make long-term associations, the likelihood of short-term busines s coalitions may be of concern to policymakers. Away from the individual illegal acts committed by organized criminal groups such as smuggling, extortion, prostitution, gambling, and labor racketeering. The organized crime council indicates that criminal groups may penetrate strategic sectors of the economy, provide support to terrorists, smuggle people and other contrabands into the United States, using cyberspace to target American victims and infrastructure, and use violence as a basis for power. Due to the current developments, issues on management and dealing with organized criminal groups have emerged. It is evident that to deal with organized groups there is need for the new enforcement measures. Several policy makers have argued that the available laws are not effective at countering current threats posed by these groups. Because organized crime groups threaten America from both within borders and outside its borders. This has led to a wakeup call for the Congress as to whether they should enlarge law enforcements beyond borders to probe and put these criminals on trial, and to what level, should the Congress hearten multilateral crime fighting efforts. Another major issue that the Congress must put in mind is the availability of resources and how much is allocated to the federal government to deal with organized criminal groups (Alexander, 1985). Theories of organized crime There are numerous definitions of organized crime, in American context it is defined as a loose confederation of ethnic and regional crime groups, bound by economic and political necessity (Bequai, 1979). Mainly organized crime is comprised of three different categories of criminal activities namely, professional crime, white-collar crime which involves criminals using legal instruments and the operation of crime groups striving to achieve financial gain. According to Levi (1998), organized crime is ongoing unlawful business or other acts accompanied by intimidation and linked to politics. Assorted analogs are summoned to understand organized crime, including such different notions as the business conglomerate and feudalism. An organized crime group is seen sometimes as simply engaged in illegal business in a manner parallel to its legal counterpart. Other onlookers have noted the primeval nature of the ties binding an organized criminal groups members, which thus differentiates it f rom a modern, unfriendly business corporation. Different conditions for the origin of organized crime have also been identified, including political, geographic, legal, and sociological factors (Skaperdas, 2001). According to Liddick (1999 theories of organized crime may be grouped into three major theoretical prototypes: the alien-conspiracy/bureaucracy paradigm; the enterprise approach; and the patron-client relations perspective. The model or perspective dictates the approach. Thus, if one assumes that the chief characteristic of organized crime is its hierarchical organization, then one looks for coordination and conspiracy. This is the dominant approach of law enforcement in North America, which has been enormously unsuccessful in understanding and therefore in dealing with the phenomenon of organized crime (Geary, 2002). It presumes that immobilizing the leadership of organized crime groups will end criminal activity, but it never does. Knock off the key player, the organization falls apart, and the criminal activity ceases. On the other hand, the enterprise approach focuses on illegal markets. It views organized crime as servicing such markets, very much like legal business enterprises . These networks involve reciprocity they engage in activities beyond purely economic and they extend into the worlds of legitimate government and business (Liddick, 1999). According to (Woodwiss, 2001), the past history of modern organized crime from the Yazoo land fraud of the 1790(s) to the Savings and Loan scandals of the 1980(s), clearly shows that organized crime in America has involved reputable people. It is a social occurrence, an important part of American life, and, ironically, not at all a threat to the existing order. It has been noted that most of the criminal activities show that those groups were not hierarchical, when organized crime get into the political system regardless of the means it is very hard to combat as it becomes well institutionalized. Herbert Alexander (1985), for instance, has recognized that clearly too little is known of political-criminal relationships, the occurrences, the levels, the geographic areas, the impacts they have. Even a landmark study of the reduction of organized crimes influence on major industries in New York City drew a blank regarding politics, with the authors admitting that such connections had nev er been examined. Studies have shown that indeed there is an association between politicians, police, and organized crime groups. However, that the plan in the relationship came from the politicians. It was by no means a situation of organized crime intruding into politics, but of politicians reaching out to control and invite the criminals and their activities (Jenkins and Potter, 1987). Organized Criminal Groups in the America For many years organized crime in united States has been associated with the famous Italian Mafia, nevertheless there are many other organized criminal; groups in United States. In understanding and dealing with these groups, the Federal Bureau of Investigation examines organized criminal groups that are under three main classes: La Cosa Nostra (Italian organized), Eurasian/ Middle Eastern, and Asian and African criminal groups. Eurasian/ Russian This group does not only refer to the Russian crime syndicates but also various of Eurasian crime groups, these groups emerged in United States as early as the late 1970(s) and became very common when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Currently they are considered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be the most organized criminal group posing major threat to America. Russian group that operate in America show less traditional hierarchical structure as opposed to the Italian Cosa Nostra, they however, develop networks based on the skills required for certain crimes (Duyne, 1996). In America, this group is a responsible to criminal activity such as abduction, human trafficking, drug trafficking, theft, prostitution and extortion, and white-collar criminal acts such as money laundering. Federal Bureau of Investigation has shown that approximately 60% of the cases they handle about this group involve fraud. These frauds usually cut across various industries from strategic commodi ties and health to venture to indemnity, and credit card swindles. Other frauds they are involved in include tax evasion and even energy price rigging. Numerous Russian organized criminal groups operate in major cities such as Miami, New York, Boston, and many. The main efforts to control Russian organized criminal groups include the development of both global and internal task forces and other committees charged with the mandate of dismantling these crime groups. Local police departments have set up several task forces in all the main cities to deal with this group. The FBI on the other hand is charged with the responsibility to handle international issues relating to Russian organized criminals. It works together with such groups like Eurasian Organized Crime Working Group, Central Working Group, and Southern European Cooperative Initiative. All these groups are aimed at combating this organized criminal group (Mauro, 1995). These groups are working very hard to attain power and wealth that being the main reason as to why they have patterns of criminal activities in American major cities. The group in the West Coast communicates with those in the East Coast and they have strong ties with those in the former Soviet Union. They have also go ne an extra mile and formed associations with other criminal groups and their enterprises have proven to be very complex and profitable as they continue to operate using global networks. Eurasian criminals are experts at swindle and have been portrayed as always having one foot in the gangland and one foot in legal business world. This blend makes it hard to notice when a crime is taking place. Billions of dollars in illegal proceeds from fraud are being transferred to accounts abroad and within the United States. There are concerns that these finances will be used to fund criminal activities in the United States (Mauro, 1995). Russian organized criminal networks are involved in organized foreign smuggling through fake visa petitions and border crossing. Law enforcement departments have learned that this group networks with recognized shell corporations in America to assist in the illegal movement of money, and people as well. Asian This group has existed in the United States as early as 1900(s), nevertheless, there has been a major increase in Asian organized criminal activities. Various studies show that there is not even a single unified group but rather they are many crime groups whereby some are more traditionally organized than others are. They include Triads and Yakuza, which got Chinese and Japanese origin respectively. Groups such as the triads, tongs, and famous Asian street gangs that comprise of the Fuk Ching and Big Circle are less traditional. Just like the Russian Organized crime, groups this group tends to work together across tribal and ethnic ranks if it is lucrative for the business. Asian organized crime groups get a large amount of their earnings from smuggling in drugs and people, but are also aggressively involved in other illegal actions, that range from cash laundering, forgery, and deception to kidnapping and the theft of automobiles, computer software, and clothing (Turbiville, 1994). The Federal Bureau of Investigation indicates that major cities in America are examples of regions with a elevated occurrence of Asian organized crimes. American, law enforcement authority has relied heavily on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, money laundering, and asset forfeiture statutes to arraign Asian crime groups. Comparable to efforts intended at fighting Russian organized crime groups, United States law enforcement takes part in domestic and international working groups meant to fight Asian organized crime. Internally, the Interagency Working Group on Alien Smuggling inspects policy and analytical matters revolving around the smuggling of foreigners and trafficking of women and minors, involving participation of Asian criminal groups in these actions. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also concerned with international working groups dealing with organized criminal groups of Asian origin, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation State Police Department of Japan Working Group, International Police Project Bridge, and many other working groups from other countries such as Canada, Thailand and so on . Italian The La Cosa Nostra is the most famous Italian organized crime group working in the United States. The La Cosa Nostra is implicated in a collection of unlawful actions, from betting, loan sharking to smuggling, and money laundering, which terrorize American society. The majority members of the La Cosa Nostra operate in the New York urban area, but there are also illegal operations in major American cities. La Cosa Nostra has been working in the United States ever since 1920(s) and still poses a risk at present. Former congressional and rule and regulation enforcement labors to combat organized crime were intended directly at controlling the criminal activities of the Mafia (Louise, 1995). Civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuits have been mainly efficient in eradicating the La Cosa Nostra from lawful industries and amalgamations, for example, the Las Vegas gaming industry, the moving and storage businesses in New York, and the merger in place of truckers servi cing JF Kennedy airport in New York. In addition to federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statutes, many states have adopted Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act statues. Many believe that Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act has been mainly the dominant tool in fighting La Cosa Nostra. Despite these successful tools, the La Cosa Nostra remains a major organized crime risk to American society. Balkan The Federal Bureau of Investigation recognizes Balkan organized criminal and the well-known Albanian groups in particular, for being among the main dreadful organized criminal groups at present, as proved, in part, by a swell in persons of Albanian origin arrested in the United States. Albanian organized crime syndicates have been in existence in the United States as early as in the late 1980(s) and have grown from being formally structured families to letting in foreigners with certain fields of criminal knowledge. These syndicates are dynamic in major cities like New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles, to name a few (Louise, 1995). Balkan crime groups have been involved in various illegal activities such as, real estate fraud, extortion, gambling, robbery, drug trafficking, human smuggling, money laundering, murder, witness intimidation, and counterfeit currency. One upcoming tendency seen in the midst of Balkan organized criminal groups is an improved collaboration with other organi zations increasing, but expanding. For instance, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has proved that the La Cosa Nostra has collaborated with Albanian criminal groups in New York. Where, the La Cosa Nostra normally relies on the Albanians for enforcement, and Albanians have gradually conquered some territory there that was formerly under control of the La Cosa Nostra. Several federal agencies normally collaborate and implement programs to combat organized crime in the country. Such agencies include, Homeland Security, Treasury, Defense, State, Commerce and department of justice. One initiative is the nuclear smuggling, the United States responds to nuclear smuggling by stopping any nuclear material getting into the country. The country in 2003 signed agreements and got into partnership with other countries to allow searching of planes and ships that are suspected of carrying such materials. The department of defense has effectively managed programs that help destroy any nuclear materials. The authorities have increased detection tools at the borders. Drug trafficking is under International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affair partner with other departments in implementing anti-drug campaigns and initiatives. Trafficking of persons is led by the State department in collaboration with other agencies. Money laundering and other economic crimes are ha ndled by the treasury department with the help of other state departments. Countering organized crime is not easy especially if the group has political ties. In most cases, these organized criminal groups mostly invest their money in legitimate businesses. Through such deals, these groups become institutionalized and well protected by the politicians as well as the police. Thus, measure of checking such criminal groups include enforcing the law strictly and good conduct for lawyers, wide public expectations of decency in politicians. More over the policing of organized crime has to be reoriented to its contribution and prevention. It has been proved that the American approach to these criminal groups is not the solution. There has to be major reforms in several departments, across the country from the justice to economy. Good governance that is fully strengthened is vital in eradicating the organized criminal groups in the country. Public education is also very important in helping eradicate these groups in the society. In most instances, the public knows a bout these groups but are not concerned about them because they feel that they do not affect them directly. There is need for awareness that though they may not be personally affected these groups pose great threat to their country at large and their also suffer the consequences of their acts indirectly. Economic consequences In most cases, economic consequences arise when organized crime is given room to flourish. These groups always cause unproductive employment of economic resources that otherwise could be employed elsewhere. In areas where mafias rule and are seen to provide security in a indirect manner, however the same level of security is compatible in with various levels of expenditure of much resources than that of a modern state that has efficient police and judicial system. Legal businesses are forced to pay high protection fees that normally affect their operations (Skaperdas, 2001). For the same businesses, regular constricting throughout the mainstream legal system can become tricky even if it concerns legal matters, since the mafia actively discourages recourse to the legal system as it represents a challenge to its authority and a reduction to the rationale for its existence. The long-term impacts of organized crime could be still more overwhelming than its instant, static impacts. The areas most able, industrial, and youth can choose to become gangbangers, as Skaperdas (2001) argues to be the case in American inner cities. Those are specifically the individuals who under different circumstances would provide very different types of community support and leadership. Once human beings develop human capital expertise in one area, it is very costly for them to change later in life. Former guerillas, demobilized soldiers after wars, and gang members have difficulties adapting to conventional lives and occupations later in life. Many find brigandage, robbery, or reversion to organized crime a familiar and more profitable lifestyle than its alternatives. Even after the destruction of organized crime in an area, it can take more than a generation before normalcy prevails. In summing up, the costs of organized crime comprise of the resources spent on fraud and predation, instead of production; a range of more conservative productive and investment alterations; the contractual challenges that develop outside the sphere of contemporary governance; and the incentives for the development of human skills that are inclined towards appropriation instead of production. The American society should deter any form of organized crime by making all illegitimate acts costlier. The society should increase the likelihood of crime detection and heighten the punishment of the victims. As noted earlier organized crime syndicates coordinate very well and as a result the crimes they commit are not easy to detect (Skaperdas, 2001). These groups further go to the extent of protecting their group members from potential punishment by colluding with top government officials, employing violence against judges and even threatening probable witnesses. In United States, the famous Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization act has effectively fought crimes that are committed by organized crime syndicates. This act lists various acts that are normally committed by organized criminal groups and provides penalties for criminal acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The act center of attention is on the patterns of criminal acts different from individual crimes. Thus, under RICO, the leader of a crime association can be arraigned in court even if he has never been personally engaged in any criminal activity. The penalties under RICO can be extremely harsh. Apart from a long prison sentence, an offender surrenders all interests and claims over the criminal activity, as well as over the property that makes up the racketeering activity or what was obtained from the racketeering activity (Woodiwiss, 2001). Further, RICO permits the victims of organized crime to recuperate from the convicted person in civil court. The RICO is intended, first to make revealing of criminal enterprises easier and eventually to cripple and eliminate organized crime enterprises. Conclusion In conclusion, it has been noted that organized groups are very common in United States and that all groups have different origins and mode of operation. The activities carried out by these groups cuts across different sectors of the economy. This makes the impacts of organized groups to be of great magnitude. These groups cause impacts that are negative and even pose a threat to the entire American society. Fighting these groups is thus not an option for the State, The federal government has established different federal authorities to combat these groups but have not fully succeeded. It has been noted that some of these groups have support from both the politicians and the police making these groups to be more institutionalized. These issues have made fighting the syndicates even more difficult. An enhanced understanding of international organized crimes dynamics might assist Congress as it organizes, funds, and oversees anti-crime policies and programs. In addition, a scrutiny of the nexus between crime and terror could improve the governments capacity to fight both. Stronger international law enforcement collaboration and more efficient government partnerships with the private sector
Monday, August 19, 2019
threats to Families :: essays research papers
Threats to Families A force threatening todayââ¬â¢s families in America is strictly the society in which we live. Society has become more and more of a problem. The problem seems to be universal no matter what age you are. The influences of society seems to be changing and is very debatable. Violence, music, and traditions being broken are three key factors of society threatening families in todayââ¬â¢s day and age. Values truly come from the family you were raised in and how you, personally, were brought up. Outside influences can have a positive or negative impact on the family as a whole or as an individual member of a family. The main threatening force is violence. Not only is it in movies and T.V.shows, but now it has gotten to the point where it is displayed in schools. For example, the Columbine shooting was totally unexpected; no one seemed to know about it. Thereââ¬â¢s not much a family can do in that particular situation. No matter how much a parent discusses the dangers of violence, a child still could be tempted by outside influences. A way to prevent this type of problem is to engage in a variety of community activities all together as a family and stress the importance of family values such as love and respect to the children being raised. à à à à à Music is a key factor on influencing a family unit today. The influences of music affect children in different ways. In the 1950ââ¬â¢s, the attitude of music was very different than it is now. The music was much more innocent. Today, children relate to each other and are setting different standards for themselves in a negative way. Kids hear explicit lyrics which then encourage some of them to get involved in sexual activity or relationships that they are not ready for because they are too young. Children should not be influenced by lyrics of words, but sadly enough it is proven that they take lyrics literally and try and imitate that individual. Not only do children listen, but they also watch and learn from elders. A threatening force are all of the young pop stars who dress inappropriately and the children, once again, try and mimic them which is a very negative concern. The only way to prevent children from being negatively influenced is to monitor what the y are watching and what type of music he or she is listening to.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Investigate the factors affecting the rate of Osmosis :: GCSE Biology Osmosis Coursework
Investigate the factors affecting the rate of Osmosis Planning Osmosis is the diffusion of water from a lower concentration of solute to a higher concentration of solute, through a partially permeable membrane. In a high concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sucrose) is low. This could be called a weak or dilute solution. In a low concentration of water the amount of solute is high. This could be called a strong or concentrated solution. When a partially permeable membrane divides two such solutions, the water will move from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration until both sides are equal. In plant cells water flows through the cell wall and cell surface membrane into the vacuole from the outside. As a result, the cell swells up. It doesn't burst as the cell wall stops the cell expanding too much; at this point we say a cell is fully turgid. Aim The purpose of my investigation is to investigate the factors affecting the rate of Osmosis. The key factors I have found affect this are: Length - of membrane Temperature - of water Concentration - of solution The factor I am going to investigate is the concentration of the solution in which the potatoes are placed. By doing this I will have to control all other factors to ensure a fair test, these are; doing all the tests at room temperature to control the temperature as a higher temperature would mean diffusion would occur quicker. The mass and surface area of the potatoes at the beginning of the experiment are other controls I will need to monitor to ensure a fair test. The mass of the potato is a dependent variable; this means that it will be measured throughout the experiment. I will measure the mass in grams correct to 2d.p. The potato chip will be measured before it is put in the solution, and after. This will allow us to see whether osmosis has taken place, and to what extent. The volume of the solution that the potato chips are kept in must be fair. The must be totally covered in the solution, and the amount of solution will be kept the same because all the potato chips are the same size. The amount of solution I cover each chip in will be 20cm. Prediction I predict in my experiment that the higher the concentration of sugar in the solution, the smaller the potato chip will become. I predict this as the greater the concentration of water in the external solution, the greater the amount of water that enters the cell by
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Cell Organelles
Nucleus: The nucleus is the most obvious organelle in any eukaryotic cell. It is enclosed in a double membrane and communicates with the surrounding cytosol via numerous nuclear pores. Within the nucleus is the DNA responsible for providing the cell with its unique characteristics. The DNA is similar in every cell of the body, but depending on the specific cell type, some genes may be turned on or off ââ¬â that's why a liver cell is different from a muscle cell, and a muscle cell is different from a fat cell.When a cell is dividing, the nuclear chromatin (DNA and surrounding protein) condenses into chromosomes that are easily seen by microscopy. Nucleolus: The prominent structure in the nucleus is the nucleolus. The nucleolus produces ribosomes, which move out of the nucleus and take positions on the rough endoplasmic reticulum where they are critical in protein synthesis. Cytosol: The cytosol is the ââ¬Å"soupâ⬠within which all the other cell organelles reside and where m ost of the cellular metabolism occurs.Though mostly water, the cytosol is full of proteins that control cell metabolism including signal transduction pathways, glycolysis, intracellular receptors, and transcription factors. Cytoplasm: This is a collective term for the cytosol plus the organelles suspended within the cytosol. Centrosome: The centrosome, or MICROTUBULE ORGANIZING CENTER (MTOC), is an area in the cell where microtubules are produced. Plant and animal cell centrosomes play similar roles in cell division, and both include collections of microtubules, but the plant cell centrosome is simpler and does not have centrioles.During animal cell division, the centrioles replicate (make new copies) and the centrosome divides. The result is two centrosomes, each with its own pair of centrioles. The two centrosomes move to opposite ends of the nucleus, and from each centrosome, microtubules grow into a ââ¬Å"spindleâ⬠which is responsible for separating replicated chromosomes into the two daughter cells. Centrioleà (animal cells only): Each centriole is a ring of nine groups of fused microtubules. There are three microtubules in each group.Microtubules (and centrioles) are part of the cytoskeleton. In the complete animal cell centrosome, the two centrioles are arranged such that one is perpendicular to the other. Golgi: The Golgi apparatus is a membrane-bound structure with a single membrane. It is actually a stack of membrane-bound vesicles that are important in packaging macromolecules for transport elsewhere in the cell. The stack of larger vesicles is surrounded by numerous smaller vesicles containing those packaged macromolecules.The enzymatic or hormonal contents of lysosomes, peroxisomes and secretory vesicles are packaged in membrane-bound vesicles at the periphery of the Golgi apparatus. Lysosome: Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular digestion. They are common in animal cells, but rare in plant cells. Hydrolytic en zymes of plant cells are more often found in the vacuole. Peroxisome: Peroxisomes are membrane-bound packets of oxidative enzymes. In plant cells, peroxisomes play a variety of roles including converting fatty acids to sugar and assisting chloroplasts in photorespiration.In animal cells, peroxisomes protect the cell from its own production of toxic hydrogen peroxide. As an example, white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide to kill bacteria. The oxidative enzymes in peroxisomes break down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Secretory Vesicle: Cell secretions ââ¬â e. g. hormones, neurotransmitters ââ¬â are packaged in secretory vesicles at the Golgi apparatus. The secretory vesicles are then transported to the cell surface for release. Cell Membrane: Every cell is enclosed in a membrane, a double layer of phospholipids (lipid bilayer).The exposed heads of the bilayer are ââ¬Å"hydrophilicâ⬠(water loving), meaning that they are compatible with water both withi n the cytosol and outside of the cell. However, the hidden tails of the phosopholipids are ââ¬Å"hydrophobicâ⬠(water fearing), so the cell membrane acts as a protective barrier to the uncontrolled flow of water. Mitochondria: Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs to move, divide, produce secretory products, contract ââ¬â in short, they are the power centers of the cell. They are about the size of bacteria but may have different shapes depending on the cell type.Mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles, and like the nucleus have a double membrane. The outer membrane is fairly smooth. But the inner membrane is highly convoluted, forming folds (cristae) as seen in the cross-section, above. The cristae greatly increase the inner membrane's surface area. It is on these cristae that food (sugar) is combined with oxygen to produce ATP ââ¬â the primary energy source for the cell. Vacuole: A vacuole is a membrane-bound sac that plays roles in intracellular digestion a nd the release of cellular waste products.In animal cells, vacuoles are generally small. Vacuoles tend to be large in plant cells and play several roles: storing nutrients and waste products, helping increase cell size during growth, and even acting much like lysosomes of animal cells. The plant cell vacuole also regulates turgor pressure in the cell. Water collects in cell vacuoles, pressing outward against the cell wall and producing rigidity in the plant. Without sufficient water, turgor pressure drops and the plant wilts.Cell Wallà (plant cells only): Plant cells have a rigid, protective cell wall made up of polysaccharides. In higher plant cells, that polysaccharide is usually cellulose. The cell wall provides and maintains the shape of these cells and serves as a protective barrier. Fluid collects in the plant cell vacuole and pushes out against the cell wall. This turgor pressure is responsible for the crispness of fresh vegetables. Chloroplastà (plant cells only): Chloro plasts are specialized organelles found in all higher plant cells.These organelles contain the plant cell's chlorophyll responsible for the plant's green color. Chloroplasts have a double outer membrane. Within the stroma are other membrane structures ââ¬â the thylakoids. Thylakoids appear in stacks called ââ¬Å"granaâ⬠(singular = granum). Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Throughout the eukaryotic cell, especially those responsible for the production of hormones and other secretory products, is a vast network of membrane-bound vesicles and tubules called the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER for short.The ER is a continuation of the outer nuclear membrane and its varied functions suggest the complexity of the eukaryotic cell. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is so named because it appears smooth by electron microscopy. Smooth ER plays different functions depending on the specific cell type including lipid and steroid hormone synthesis, breakdown of lipid-soluble toxins in liver c ells, and control of calcium release in muscle cell contraction. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Rough endoplasmic reticulum appears ââ¬Å"pebbledâ⬠by electron microscopy due to the presence of numerous ribosomes on its surface.Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes collect in the endoplasmic reticulum for transport throughout the cell. Ribosomes: Ribosomes are packets of RNA and protein that play a crucial role in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. They are the site of protein synthesis. Each ribosome comprises two parts, a large subunit and a small subunit. Messenger RNA from the cell nucleus is moved systematically along the ribosome where transfer RNA adds individual amino acid molecules to the lengthening protein chain.Cytoskeleton: As its name implies, the cytoskeleton helps to maintain cell shape. But the primary importance of the cytoskeleton is in cell motility. The internal movement of cell organelles, as well as cell locomotion and muscle fiber contraction could not take place without the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton is an organized network of three primary protein filaments: ââ¬â microtubules ââ¬â actin filaments (microfilaments) ââ¬â intermediate fibers
Amandla Essay
These struggles are depicted through music. Upon further research, I discovered Amandla is a Nguni word meaning power. Amandla was produced by Sherry Simpson Dean and Lee Hirsch. The film is shown in chronological order, and also augmented with archival footage from historical events. Blacks in South Africa were denied many basic human rights while the world ignored. In 1948, the Afrikaner Nationalist arose, and during the 1950ââ¬â¢s, apartheid policies were being implemented. Black South Africans were taken from their homes and forced to live in townships, where they had to carry passbooks, were meaninglessly tortured and killed, and also could be arrested for no reason at all. Although their freedom was inhibited, they expressed their pain through song. Currently, despite the lingering problems within South Africa, blacks and whites live amongst each other. The movie pays great homage to the songs of protest that halted Apartheid. Amandla begins with Prime Minister Verwoerd declaring racial segregation in 1948. It is said to be ââ¬Å"a policy of good-neighborliness. â⬠Vuyisile Mini, a composer whoââ¬â¢s creation of protest songs eventually led to his hanging, is also being exhumed from his grave. Scenes from the Sharpeville Massacre, the Soweto uprising, and Nelson Mandelaââ¬â¢s joyous election to the office of President in 1994 are all depicted in great detail. Mini is given a proper burial at the end of the film. The film explains how the songs touched people different from speeches or demonstrations. Different stages of the struggle for equality brought upon different songs. For example, Miniââ¬â¢s song ââ¬Å"Beware Vorwoerdâ⬠and Vilakaziââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Meadowlands. â⬠These songs, and many others, showed how diligent the South African people were about their cause, and also was a symbol of the energy they had in completing their mission. Although music is a major aspect of the film, the interviews with those who had first-hand experience to the events. Many (like Abdullah Ibrahim, Hugh Masekela, and Miriam Makeba) were sent to prison or exiled. They spoke in great detail of how homesick they were and how hurtful it was not to be able to return to South Africa. White police officers and executioners are even interviewed. The climax of the film is Nelson Mandelaââ¬â¢s release from prison with thousands of people happily singing and cheering his return from prison. He is eventually elected to president of South Africa. Although South Africa has much work ahead of it, it has progressed. People are battle against crime, corruption, poverty and AIDS. Amandla is a great affirmation to the past and gives inspiring hope towards the future of South Africa. It captured moments in history, while still explaining the present problems that exist, including the process of rapprochement. This film also does a good job of explaining that music has, and always will, play an important role in the complicated history of South Africa.
Friday, August 16, 2019
In Focus: Faye Glenn Abdellahââ¬â¢s Patient-Centered Approaches
For years, the existence and acceptance of nursing theories in different settings and aspects of nursing practice has transformed the profession in diverse ways both here and abroad. The utilization of such theories has provided the nursing community with specific knowledge and ways to enhance and develop skills and attitudes of nursing professionals in the practice of the profession. It has greatly helped in creating and sustaining our professional independence from the field of medicine by guiding our educational system, research methods and practice towards safe and quality care to patients (Marriner-Tomey, 1994; McLemore & Hill, 1965).The significance of studying nursing theories does not end with the benefits it may serve the profession in general. It also helps an individual, either a student or a nursing professional in several ways. An individual is able to develop critical thinking skills, able to differentiate values and hypotheses and able to find out purpose of functions in relation to the scope of practice of the nursing profession (Kozier, Erb, & Oliviere, 1995).In line with this, this paper attempts to analyze and evaluate a relevant nursing conceptual model authored by a renowned nurse theoristââ¬â Faye Glenn Abdellah, using the J. Fawcettââ¬â¢s Framework of Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing.Influenced by Virginia Hendersonââ¬â¢s 14 principles of nursing, Maslowââ¬â¢s hierarchy of needs and Erik Erickson stages of development, Abdellah formulated her structural model with the goal of teaching and evaluating students and at the same time emphasize the need to create a body of knowledge exclusive to our profession that will help in gaining independence from the control of the medical professionà towardà patient-centeredà care (Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1998).Faye Glenn Abdellah authored the typology of 21 nursing problems which was initially published in the 1960 edition of Pat ient-Centered Approaches to Nursing. Since its initial appearance, the typology had major impact on the nursing profession as well as on the development of other nursing theories (Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1998).Abdellahââ¬â¢s typology of 21 nursing problems is a conceptual model which describes the significant concerns of nursing instead of linking different relationships into phenomena. The conceptual model is mainly concerned with patientââ¬â¢s needs and the role of nurses in problem identification using a problem-solving approach. Abdellahââ¬â¢s work is classified under the nursing philosophy category in the sense that her work is based on analysis, rationalization, research and logical argument instead of using experiential methods. Logically speaking,Abdellahââ¬â¢s model can be described as inductive since she derived observations from previous studies which became the basis for her conceptualization. Philosophical statements are said to be based on opinions, arguments or propositions of different people. These statements are not experimental in nature because such statements based on goal, traditions and/or values cannot be tested for its correctness or wrongness (Marriner-Tomey, 1994).Inà analyzingà andà evaluatingà Abdellahââ¬â¢sà theory, herà workà cannotà beà separatedà fromà theà historicalà backgroundà whereà theà conceptualizationà ofà theà 21à nursingà problemsà started.à Ità was à inà theà 1950sà whenà theà nursingà professionà facedà aà lotà ofà difficultiesà arisingà fromà theà rapidà societal change and increasing demand for technological advancement. The methods and system used at that timeà did not support and meet the demands of the rapid change thus creating a backlog in the nursing community.There was a lack of definition of nursingââ¬â its focus, scope and limitations especially that healthcare delivery to patients is mainly based on achieving institutional goals rather than meeting patientââ¬â¢s needs. The present system did not assist both the students and professionals in being attuned with the changes. Abdellah related this to the lack of scientific body of knowledge unique to the profession. That is why the formulation of the theory differentiated the practice of nursing from the practice of medicine emphasizing focus on 21 nursing problems that help patient in achieving state of wellness (Marriner-Tomey, 1994).Abdellah used the problem-solving approach in formulating the theory. She believes that a nurse should be able to identify and solve problems of patients in order to provide safe and quality care to patients. This identification of nursing problems, selection of data necessary to formulating and testing of interventions in assisting patient towards state of wellness closely resembles the nursing process. Abdellah pointed out that patients cannot receive quality care if the steps are done improperly. In my opinion, Abdellahââ¬â¢s approach is effective in the sense that the approach guarantees positive client response if the steps are specifically and carefully executed. This approach also improves a nursing professional skills and attitude by enhancing problem-solving abilities through identification of nursing problems in meeting the needs of the patient (Marriner-Tomey, 1994).Abdellahââ¬â¢s model includes four (4) fundamental concepts essential to nursingââ¬â person, environment, health and nursing. The first major concept is the person. The concept of person is described as people having physical, physiological and sociological needs. In her conceptual model, the person or patient is the main reason for the existence of nursing. However, this is quite contradicting since the typology of 21 nursing problems lacks holism. The model entails that a person returns to an improved state only by resolving each problem identified by a nursin g professional. It lacks holism in the sense that the patient or person which, is considered as a whole is not greater than the sum of it parts represented by his problems (Marriner-Tomey, 1994).Another major concept included in her theory is the concept of environment. This concept is the least conferredà and least emphasized in her theory. This is mentioned limitedly in problem number 17. The model explains that the patient more often than not interrelate and act in response to the environment. It also explains that the nurse is also a part of the patientââ¬â¢s environment thus the nurse takes responsibility in making the environment conducive for restoration of health. Abdellah also states that environment is also the home and community from where the patient comes from that is why Abdellah emphasized the need to broaden our scope in identifying problems and not limit our scope in the hospital setting (Potter & Perry, 1993).The third concept is health. Abdellah discussed hea lth as a state without illness. It is defined as a state without unmet needs and no anticipated or actual impairment. This is clearly exemplified in the list of 21 nursing problems. Abdellah also advocates holistic approach to patient-centered care and furthering the relevance of environmental factors in the concept of health (Potter & Perry, 1993).The last major concept is nursing. The concept of nursing is an essential element of her writing. In her model, nursing is defined as provision of service to individuals and families; therefore to society. It is mainly providing service to or for the patient or providing information that will significantly assist the patient in restoring health and alleviating impairment. Abdellah therefore viewed nursing as a helping profession (Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1998)..Although Abdellahââ¬â¢s work provided a comprehensive meaning of the four major concepts, there are no statements in Abdellahââ¬â¢s writing tha t states any direct relationships among the four concepts. Each concept was only defined implicitly and no relational statements can be made out of it. The model is mainly concerned on development of a unique body of knowledge, which is nursing, through which identification of nursing problems and utilization of the problem-solving approach assists patients in meeting their needs.The model is said to have limited concepts and is only presented in a structural list. After Abdellahââ¬â¢s work has been published, her formulation of the 21 nursing problems has been a helpful tool in the areas of nursing practice, nursing research and nursing education (Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1998).In our nursing practice, Abdellahââ¬â¢s typology of 21 nursing problems has helped nursing professionals in dealing with patient care in an orderly and well-structured manner. In using this typology, a nursing professional, with the problem-solving approach, is able to id entify patientââ¬â¢s problems, plan for his care and implement nursing interventions for the identified problem in a scientific manner.This problem-solving method has transformed our practice as we attempt to focus our attention to the client himself rather than focus on clientââ¬â¢s medical condition which is more of the objective of the medical profession. Nursing professionals have also learned and understood the rationale behind each and every action we deliver to the client (Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 1998).Abdellahââ¬â¢s work has also provided significant changes in the area of nursing research as well since her work is basically based on research too. Many theories have been developed since the introduction of Abdellahââ¬â¢s work. The present nursing diagnosis classification system is presumed to be an outgrowth of this typology. This nursing philosophy continues to be a preferred basis of nursing studies at present (Sigma Theta Tau In ternational Honor Society of Nursing, 1998).Nursing education also benefited from Abdellahââ¬â¢s work. As previously explained, there was a lack of scientific body unique to our profession that hindered our independence from the medical profession. Abdellahââ¬â¢s work presented such unique body and gave the nursing profession a chance to come out of the control of the medical model. Gaining professional autonomy has helped the nursing community project a professional identity that has been widely accepted all over the worldà (Potter & Perry, 1993).Abdellahââ¬â¢s nursing philosophy brings about nursing activities that meet not only clientââ¬â¢s needs but of the society as well in the long run if each goal is carefully achieved through the problem-solving approach making this nursing philosophy socially significant. Abdellahââ¬â¢s work is socially significant because the 21 nursing problems elicit relevant nursing actions that lead to the improvement and restoration of clientââ¬â¢s health status which in turn aids the client in resuming activities of daily living increasing his productivity level thus benefiting the societyà (Potter & Perry, 1993).In conclusion, Abdellahââ¬â¢s typology of 21 nursing problems remedied the predicaments faced by the profession in earlier times. It has helped teach and evaluate studentââ¬â¢s competency through its formulation. It provided a means of gaining autonomy from the practice of medicine through the creation of a scientific body of knowledge unique to nursing.Abdellahââ¬â¢s work is very straightforward and uncomplicated. It explicitly described the major concepts essential to nursing such as nursing itself, nursing problems and the problem-solving approach through which the problems can be intervened. The concepts of health, person and environment which are now included in the scope of nursing are also implied.The goals of this model vary but all are directed to affect nursing. The extensive goal of this model is to generally elicit positive transformation in nursing education while its subgoals would include providing a scientific basis for practice and a tool in evaluating studentââ¬â¢s capacity and competency (McLemore & Hill, 1965).To date, Abellah did not only meet the goal of her work. Her work has also affected different aspects of nursingââ¬â nursing practice, nursing research and nursing education in general. As emphasized in this paper, Abdellahââ¬â¢s overall contribution to the body of nursing is the acquisition of professional autonomy and professional identity through the creation of the 21 nursing problems. Her problem-solving approach increases our assessment and critical-thinking skills needed in identifying clientââ¬â¢s concerns to properly plan, select and implement our healthcare. It also enhances and promotes nurse-patient interaction as we make patients the central focus of care instead of focusing on the disease process (Parascandola, 1994).Nursing has been practiced as profession for more than a century. The profession was based merely on rules, concepts and experiences passed on by professionals to students. It was only in the advent of serious discussion and testing of theories that nursing has been established as a science. Through Abdellahââ¬â¢s work and the development of other relevant nursing theories, we have proven that our profession can stand by itself and achieve our goals towards patient-centered care (Parascandola, 1994).
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